Saturday, May 12, 2012

Silath's Journal: Day 6 - October 24, 2281

Soon as I left the Lucky 38, an NCR trooper was waiting to hand me a message. Seems an Ambassador Crocker wanted to speak with me. I thought what the hell, may as well, so I stopped by the NCR outpost on the strip and spoke with the guy.
Turns out he wanted me to talk some group called the 'Boomers' into helping the NCR out in it's war against the legion. NCR rep and caps in it for me, I told Crocker I'd look into it but didn't promise anything. He was also kind enough to give me a bit of a history lesson on the NCR's prescense in Vegas when I asked. Seemed nice enough, but he IS a politician... eh.

Afterwards I went to the Tops casino, had to turn in my weapons at the door, but that's standard procedure. Sure enough though I found Benny a minute later. He was shocked to see me, to say the least. He gave me the keys to the Presidential suite and told me to meet him there in an hour.
Of course, I suspected a trap, and I didn't have any weapons. I also figured, though, if he wanted to kill me he could've just had his men grab me and take me into a back room. I was wrong.
It was a trap, I was hoping Benny would prove more reasonable... Alas. Fortunately I picked a wallsafe in the suite open, lo and behold inside was an MP-10 and two magazines. Brilliant of them. Maybe he just forgot it was there.

Either way, little while after I go up there the assfuck comes on the intercom telling me I'm going to die. A minute later four of his goonies bust in the door and start shooting at me, coming at me with dinky .22 pistols, switchblades, crowbars. Granted these weren't your average wasteland gangers, they were quite a bit harder to kill. Nevertheless I took them out, and went after Benny.
He wasn't in his room, but here's something interesting: a hacked securitron named Yes Man was. Apparently Yes Man's programming wouldn't allow it to disobey an order, so I pumped the thing for information.
Apparently the platinum chip is some sort of data device, and it contain's information to 'Upgrade Defenses' of House and his securitrons. Not sure what that means exactly. Benny wanted to take over House's network, take over the securitrons, and the chip is the key to his plans.
Yes Men said Benny had probably taken off towards Fortification Hill: one of only two places the chip could be used, the other being the Lucky 38.  Thing is, Fortification Hill is on the other side of the Colorado river, and it just so happens to be where Ceaser Legion has set up his HQ. How Benny plans on getting there, I don't know, but it's possible he had some sort of arrangement with Ceaser.

Soon as I left the Tops, though, some creep named Vulpes runs up and tells me Ceaser wants to talk to me. All the sudden I seem a real popular person, and I gotta say, I fucking hate it. I've got a feeling I'm in WAY over my head...
So I'm thinking, what the fuck is going on? Figure I may as well see what Ceaser wants of me, especially if Benny is heading that way... this whole day has just been crazy. All I wanted was to sleep in a nice bed for a night and now I'm in the middle of some insane power struggle.

Anyway, Vulpes told me the only way to get to Fortification Hill is to take a Legion barge through Cottonwood Cove, which is about two full days trek south. So, I started walking. Found a 'Grub and Gulp' station along the way, grabbed some more water and a brahmin steak.
Little ways after that was the 188 trading post, stopped there just long enough to grab some more 20 gauge shell for my shotgun then headed on my way. Then out of nowhere this guy comes booking it down the road to me, named Malcolm Holmes, and gives me some story about how if you collect star bottle caps from Sunset Sasparilla bottles, you can find some magical treasure.
Sure man, like some pre-war treasure is still going to be around. Even if it was, it's probably a lifetime supply of 200 year old potatoe chips or something... I thanked him for the infortmation and went on my way. Nutter.

Couple hours down the road and I stumbled across Novac, where I was finally able to find some pyscho for Hoff. Grabbed some more 20 gauge ammo and used the reloading bench, then went down the road for maybe another 30 minutes, happened across a nest of gangers.
I tell you, with how good I've gotten with this service rifle and VATS, I took three of them out with headshots in as many seconds. Decided to camp here for the night, it's getting dark. Tomorrow I'll keep heading south on the road, then east to Cottonwood Cove... then we can see what Ceaser wants.

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