Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Silath's Journal: Day 18 - November 5, 2281

Ate some squirrel stew for breakfast. Never seen a squirrel in the Mojave... kinda like the fabled iguana. Then I started the trek south out of Goodsprings. I've never been this way before, so at least it'll mean some new places.
Man named Barton Thorn came up to me about a mile outta town, wanted me to 'rescue his girlfriend trapped on a ridge by geckos.' I believed him and said sure, why not. After facing down cazadores, geckos are cake. Maybe even cute if they didn't have razor blades for teeth and a penchant for using them.
Killed the geckos, then up runs Barton saying "Thanks for clearing the way to the stash and all, but now I have to kill you!". I took off his head before he could even draw. Got himself killed over an N99 pistol and a few 10mm rounds. Idiot.

Down the road a ways I came across an NCR outpost at Primm, a trooper stopped me and told me to turn around, unless I wanted to talk to Luitenant Hayes. Spoke the Hayes, apparently Primm has been overrun by powder gangers (Remember them, the guys we fought off at Goodsprings?) I told him I'd take care of it, guy gave me a look like I was crazy but didn't stop me. So I headed into Primm.
Killed a few gangers walking the streets, easy as you please, and found the town's citizens holed up at the Vikki and Vance casino. Man named Johnson Nash talked to me and told me about what happened, said if I was there to help I should rescue the town's deputy, who had gotten kidnapped.
Also found an odd robot named Primm Slim, who was obsessed with Vikki and Vance. Gave me a brochure about their gun. When I told him the gun had been stolen, he acted like I was high. Turned out someone had hacked his memory blocks, stolen the gun, and taken it to Westside, all the way up by the Strip. Have to remember to check it out next time I'm up north.

Went to the couriers station next, mostly outta curiosity, since I had once been a courier. Little of interest except a broken down eyebot, which I repaired. It then started following me around. Shot lasers at the gangers and played dramatic music.
The eyebot made it damn hard to sneak though, so I dismissed it as soon as I got into the Buffalo Steve hotel, where the gangers were holed up with Deputy Beagle. Cracked open a safe in one of the shops and found a real pretty .357 revolver, not real useful to me but I should be able to get some caps for it.

Cleared out the gangers and freed Beagle, kind of an irritating fellow. Ran off back to the V&V casino to join his friends. Finished clearing the rest of the building of gangers and then went to go talk to him.
Well, he wanted me to go grab some old sheriff down at the NCRCF (NCR correctional facility, where the gangers came from) but frankly I'm sick of wandering all over the goddamned Mojave for people.
Decided instead to talk Lt. Hayes into protecting the town, but he claimed he didn't have enough men. I'd have to go to the NCR Mojave Outpost and talk to some guy named Knight, get him to send an extra squad down.

Well, I was headed that way in any case, so I said sure. Kept heading along the road and found 'Neveda Highway Patrol Station' but just as I was about to go inside, some gangers ran up and started shooting. Took them out easy enough and went inside.
Right inside the door were 3 raiders, took them out with the help of VATS and nary a scratch on me. For some bizzare reason they had a bunch of mantis' locked inside a jail cell, maybe they were using them as a food source. Also found a reloading bench with three hydra on it (yay!) which I used to reload some .308 rounds. Need more primers.

Kept heading up the road, was having a fine evening walk until some Legion Assasins crested the hill charging straight for me. Pulled out my marksman rifled and started taking them out, but the fuckers are as tough as super mutants. Got some good hits in on me.
After that little battle, I headed up to the 'Nipton Road Reststop', which had a few radscorpions roaming around that I took out easily enough. Inside the gas station were two more raiders, but nothing of particular interest.
Checked inside the general store, nothing there either except some caps and the journal of the mayor of Nipton. Apparently the fucker sold the place out to the Legion, or was planning to anyway. The journal detailed how he was approached by a Legion agent, and given 8000 caps. The plan was to get the powder gangers to attack the town, since it's a popular place for NCR troops, and kidnap the troops. Then when they were busy fighting eachother the Legion would swoop in and capture them all.

What an asshole. I hope his plan was foiled. By then it was getting dark, so I switched on the nightvision to get the last two miles or so to Mojave Outpost. Huge statues over it, one of an NCR Ranger and one of a Desert ranger. Little plaque at the bottom told about how they had joined forces and such.
Afterwards I asked a trooper where I could grab a bed, he directed me to the barracks where I ate dinner at the bar. Gonna pass out in one of the bunks in a minute, tomorrow I think I'll find this Knight guy and chat with him about sending a squad to Hayes.

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