Monday, May 14, 2012

Silath's Journal: Day 14 - November 1, 2281

I woke up this morning and decided to go on an adventure. Keep hearing about some supposedly friendly super-mutants up in the mountains at a ski lodge, so I headed off to find them. Stopped by Old Mormon Fort on my way out of Vegas to grab a few medical supplies first.
Just outside Vegas an NCR ranger ran up to me and gave me a radio, said it was a gift; if I ever needed help just call them in on the radio. I was surprised, but pleased, and thanked the man. I guess the NCR remembers it's friends after all.

Came across the Sunny Springs Boarding House, inside were about a half-dozen raiders, but my arrival seemed to take them by surprise and they were easy to take out. Was a ghoul wearing power armor, but in close quarters and without a helmet he didn't stand much of a chance against my shotgun. First time I've ever seen a ghoul in the company of raiders.
Afterwards I stopped by the broadcasting station I mentioned a few days ago (Seems like much, much longer) and talked to Hayward again. Bought a .308 marksman carbine, traded my M1 and DKS for it (Since it pretty much takes the place of both).

Then I turned and headed towards the road going up into the mountains, saw it on my pipboy and seemed the easiest way up. Along the way I encountered more cazadores. Yay. I am so fucking sick of those things. Didn't have any antivenom so I had to use up five stimpack to keep from dying. Arg.
Hit the road I wanted shortly after that, and a little ways along a bunch of legion assasins started running towards me trying to take my head off (And probably bring it to Ceaser). He should really know better than to try to assasinate me. On the plus side the assasins had plenty of antivenom which I took. Glad I did too because I would need it later that day.

Found the Ruby Hills mine along the road and stepped inside to explore. Lots of lakelurks and crates of explosive, and a dead woman wearing a bizzare suit of power armor I'd never seen before. But it was heavy and nearly falling apart, so I left it there.

After that I saw something so beautiful I damn near cried; Trees! Actual green, tall, strong trees! I've never seen anything so lovely. Unfortunately I had to go and ruin my good mood by exploring the Silver Peak mine.
If you hadn't guessed, there were (what else?) a bunch of cazadores inside. I hope they all jump into the grand-fucking-canyon and die. Used up 3 of the 5 antivenoms I had gotten off the Legion assasins, and didn't get anything for my troubles but some explosives and cazadore poison glands.

Really not a very eventful day (compared to some, anyway) mostly just a lot of walking. Kind of sad when you almost get killed a few times and it's not an eventful day, but I'm kind of used to it now. More than a few hours goes by without someone trying to kill me, I start getting nervous.
Decided to bed down in the miner's shack just outside the mine for tonight. Then going to keep heading up the road tomorrow, I like the thought of walking among all those green trees again.

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