Friday, September 24, 2010

Biphasic Day Two

Sep 24

2:42 AM-

Did a set of 30 second stretches, then went for a two hour walk to the local supermarket while listening to trance. Picked up some sparkling water and sour gummy worms. Walk went well, but as soon as I got home I started to feel a bit of nausea. Still feeling it now, not entirely sure why. Had about 5 gummy worms and a can of soda water on the way home, so I don't think thats it.

Eyes are a bit sore again, nothing terrible. Going to make some ginger/cinnamon tea. Um... not much else to say at the moment.

3:32 AM-

Nausea passed. Sore from the long walk, so thats adding to my tiredness, but it looks like I'll be able to sleep from 5-8 which is good. What's odd is I havn't been playing any games since I started this experiment, rather been watching movies, anime, and reading.

5:00-8:00 Sleep-

5-8 nap was horrible. I slept for about 20 minutes, so when the alarms went off I got up, turned them off, stood there for a minute and decided the 6 hours between sleeps is too short. Set the alarm for another 1.5 hours (9:30) and went back to bed.
That helped quite a bit. I could tell the first 'sleep' had almost no restorative effect this time, but 1.5 hours extra gets me back up at about normal levels.

The real question is how to adjust my schedule with this new knowledge. It seems like moving my 3 hour sleep from 8-11 PM back three hours to 5-8 PM would be the simplest answer. Nine hours awake, three hours sleep, nine hours awake, three hours sleep. There's one major problem though: 5-8 PM is right in dinner hours! Hmm.

Well then.
3:30-8:00 AM Sleep
5:00-6:30 PM Nap

This was the more common arrangement that I found people used: a 4 to 4.5 hour 'core sleep' and then a 1.5 hour nap. After a while they begin to reduce the core sleep time, while keeping the nap time at 1.5 hours.
I'll give it a try. 4.5 hours is still a large chunk of time to be asleep, but the idea was to slowly reduce my overall sleeping time eventually anyway, so over time I can whittle this down.

11:07 AM-
I still find myself with urges to crawl back into bed and curl under the blankets. Not so much for the sleep as just the comfortable warmth of it. Perhaps this is why one person recommended wearing sweaters etc, even if it made you uncomfortably warm.

I think the biggest thing is that sleeping is an excellent way to pass empty time. So I have to find other ways to fill my time. On the plus side, been watching Hetalia and it's hilarious. Well, sometimes. But always entertaining at least.
Still! It's enough to make me want to get back into WoW. Or EVE. I really can't wait til Fable 3 comes out though... -Sigh.- Well, EVE would be preferable to WoW.
Oh EVE, how you take up my time with meaningless micromanagement, and how I do love it. And my pretty Abaddon.

1:42 PM-

Feeling awake and alert. Made some nomz ramen with chicken, onion, ginger, and egg. But what I wanted to say is that I'm debating changing my original schedule so early... Maybe cutting back my sleep at 8 PM to just 1.5 hours instead of 3 would work? And then just keep my 5 AM sleep at 3 hours. That would mean I only get 4.5 hours of sleep a day, instead of my originally intended 6... but if it works, it works! So I wouldn't complain.

So what I am considering now:
8:00 - 7:45 PM
5:00 - 8:00 AM

I think I will give this a try, and see how my 5-8 AM sleep goes. If it's better, I'll keep this new schedule. If it's worse, I'll do the schedule I mentioned in my first update of the day.
Also, beginning to realize that even if I feel pretty terrible in the morning, as the day progresses I begin to feel better and better. I may have been premature in my decision to change my schedule so drastically this morning.

2:03 PM-
Quick comment: I've been feeling a lot more positive and energetic today and yesterday than I usually am. We'll see if it lasts.

7:19 PM-
I plan on sleeping at 8 for 1.5 hours. Will see how that effects my other sleep. Aside from that, I am well, albiet still suffering a bit of boredom.

8:00 - 9:30 PM-
Hot damn. I was up like a rocket when that alarm went off! Fantastic nap. Took a bit longer to fall asleep than I would have liked but not going to complain. Now the real question: will I be able to sleep come 5 AM?

11:19 PM-
Cleaned the bathroom a little, washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I swept downstairs. I think if I am going to clean more in the future it should be during the day, as vacuuming and such is not really an option when people are sleeping.
Not entirely sure what to do at the moment, but I am thinking that night time should be reserved for games, exercise etc, while daytime for more important tasks.

September 24 Recap-

This morning was a bit of a hiccup, however tonights nap was great. feeling a bit drowsy (It's a few minutes past midnight now). Overall I think the last two days have gone surprisingly well. Not much else to say for today, so day three begins!

Edit to add: 9.5 hours sleep in the last 48.

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